Having invasive surgery to get rid of fat instead of using diet and exercise should be frowned upon. But a non-invasive procedure that can attack resilient fat deposits, that’s another thing. Totally cool by anyone’s standards.
It’s a fact of life for most people that they don’t have the time, resources or the experience required to lose fat through diet. Can’t blame them, it’s pretty much a science in itself, and sometimes fat that has been there for years just doesn’t want to go away.
It doesn’t listen, no matter what you do. So Westlake’s Dermatology’s freezing based non-invasive procedure for fat removal is a welcome thing. They’re calling it CoolSculpting.
The cost ranges between $600 and $1,500, and it only works on abs, thighs and buttocks. Results appear within 60 days without having to give up your work and social life – read: no nasty side effects and pain. The device sucks in an area of fat, freezing it down to 38 degrees, which decreases the size of fat cells by 25 percent, killing both the cell membrane and its contents. In time, fat deposits die and are absorbed by the body.
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