iHealth: The First Ever iOS Blood Pressure Monitor

iHealth: The First Ever iOS Blood Pressure Monitor-
Getting older means being more cognisant of what you eat, how much you exercise and if you’ve got a family history of high blood pressure, keeping a keen eye on your systolic and diastolic pressures.

The iHealth is the first ever blood pressure monitoring system for iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad.  The included cuff, which automatically inflates, fits arms 11.81 inches to 16.54 inches in circumference and connects to a dock, where upon you place your chosen iOS device to collect the data.  The iHealth app ($0) includes a diary for tracking systolic and diastolic pressures, heart rate, measurement time, and a pulse-wave graph.  It incorporates an easy to use interface and what the maker is calling a vivid testing process.  There are also a variety of tools to help you stay on top of your daily healthy changes, such as an interactive graph, statistics, smart World Health Organization (WHO) classifications, and an FAQ.  Lastly a built-in email function allows you to easily share your data with your doctor or any concerned family member.
The iHealth is available now directly from their website for $99.95.  If need be, a larger cuff can be purchased for an additional $16.
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